Things To Consider With Cloud Documentation

Making the switch from an On-Premise product to a Software as a Service (SaaS) product has its challenges for technical teams, but there are also things to consider when it comes to Documentation.


Switching from On-Prem software to Cloud SaaS, there can be considerable changes to content as your product offering changes shape. We might see the following changes:

  • Product features - features might be stripped back as your product moves to Cloud architecture, for example, Developer or Administrator level information might no longer be required.
  • Customisation - Where your on-prem software supported customer enhacements, you might find this is now limited or not supported at all.
  • Versioning - You might find that Installation or Upgrade Guides are no longer required and a Change Log or Updates page is now to be maintained.
  • Integration - Your documentation might be better integrated with the product, as it makes more sense to have web help delievered with your web-based software.
  • Security is now the sole responsibility of the SaaS provider, there may be additional documentation around the security features of your SaaS product.

With these changes we might have to review existing On-Prem content before publishing for Cloud.


In a Cloud or SaaS organisation, you’ll be expected to work in line with development teams and adopt continuous methodologies. Working in cadence with development teams will require a similar approach to Automation, Testing, Reviews, and Deployment to support continuous integration and delivery.


Cloud computing services must be always available. As a SaaS provider, you will have most likely have Service Level Agreements or contractual commitments to adhere to. A SaaS customer would expect the same availability with documentation and so good practices are essential when it comes to writing and building documentation with zero down-time.


Cloud computing is a highly competitive market, prospective customers will compare Features, Pricing, Support, Return On Investment, and other factors to make their decision. Expect customers to compare documentation when it comes to researching cloud services. Comprehensive user-friendly documentation is the order of the day.

Written on January 10, 2020