Copying HTML content into MadCap Flare

Collaboration is one of the challenges tech writers face. I avoid using MS Word as Word docs tend to pick up formatting issues as they skip from one individual to another. Confluence has become a powerful tool for colaboration, and with wiki pages, you get a nice, simple WYSIWYG editor. I find myself collaborating a lot through wiki pages and I wanted to be able to copy text from a wiki directly into Flare.

Skip straight to the HTML to Flare XHTML converter.

How it works

If you CTRL+SHIFT+i, you can copy the HTML content using developer tools.


With HTML content we can get a lot of CSS that is no bueno for Flare. The HTML to Flare XHTML converter removes CSS styling and non-Flare friendly entities. You can then paste the cleaned content into the <body> of your Flare file.


Written on December 10, 2019